(belated) easter carrot cake

This year I had grand plans to make cute carrot cake cupcakes dressed up like rabbits for Easter for everyone in my house...Lucky thing no one really pays much attention to such holidays around my house because my plans got delayed by a few days.  This weekend was beautiful, and since I had workshops both days I wanted to soak up the sun when I got out, not stay inside and bake.  The sun has since left to hide behind the clouds again, so I finally made some time to make this cake.  This is a recipe from my all time favorite cookbook, Vegan With a Vengeance.  I'm not vegan (I'm just a very undisciplined pescetarian) and I used to stay away from vegan food--especially baked goods (love me some cheese/butter/eggs/etc)...BUT, every recipe I have tried from this book has been amazing.  Also, the recipes are super easy to un-veganize if you want to do that, but that really isn't necessary.  Anyways, this is the best carrot cake I've ever had. So. Good. Click here for the recipe (or go buy the book). The only note I would make is that if you use sweetened shredded coconut (I've found it's near impossible to find unsweetened here) use a tiny bit less sugar than the recipe calls for.
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