I've been home for less than a week and last semester already seems so far away! I'm settling back into being at home (other than the fact that I still haven't really unpacked, therefore my room looks like a hurricane went through it...oops). Today was my first day of work--for now I'm just doing office work but it's nice to have something to do and to earn a little money before the camp I usually work at starts. It's so nice to finally have time to start the long list of projects I've been dreaming up over the last semester, and I'm hoping I can maintain this momentum once work/my thesis research get into full swing. I'm also excited to focus a bit on photography this summer--I've been trying to learn what I can through the internet and have been experimenting with my mom's fancy-shmancy cameras...SO, hopefully you will see some gradual improvement in the photography around here! Anyways, enough of that...
This is another super super easy/inexpensive project that is also perfect for summer. Your summer wardrobe is incomplete without flower accessories to wear in your hair!
Here's what you need for this project:
I decided to make my headbands with smaller flowers, but I've seen people with headbands with larger flowers that look awesome (I just don't think I could pull it off)...so, if you're all about the dramatics you should use big crazy flowers! (I would love to see pictures if any of you try this!)
Also, if you want to put a little more time and effort into this project you could make your own flowers. A while back I posted a tutorial for large silk flowers, so you could try using those. I'm also going to try to throw together a tutorial for making smaller fabric flowers, so that should be coming later this summer.
That's it! I think that these headbands look great with beachy waves or a messy high bun. Here is the final product!: